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        Pesticides are substances or mixtures of substances that are mainly used in agriculture or in public health protection programs in order to protect plants from pests, weeds or diseases, and humans from vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and schistosomiasis . Furthermore,there are other less known applications of these chemical substances, such as in pet shampoos , building materials, and boat bottoms in order to eliminate or prevent the presence of unwanted species .     Many of the pesticides have been associated with health and environmental issues , and the agricultural use of certain pesticides has been abandoned . Exposure to pesticides can be through contact with the skin, ingestion, or inhalation. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING CHEMICALS (EDC).     Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) are compounds that alter the normal functioning of the endocrine system of both wildlife and humans. A huge number of chemicals ...

How do Dolphins use Echolocation?

WHAT IS ECHOLOCATION?     Echolocation is a process that permits dolphins to send out sound waves that when they hit an object, are bounced back, allowing them to identify the location, shape, and size of such object.     The amount of time it takes for the sound waves to come back help them to determine the distance, as it takes longer the sound waves to return when there is more distance between the dolphin and that given object.     Echolocation or biosonar is the ability of some animals to locate objects through sound waves, that is, sounds. Many animals, including odontocete cetaceans and some bats, make use of echolocation to orient themselves and detect prey.     The process of evolution of dolphins gave them this ability that allowed them to survive in the aquatic environment. In water, the sound waves travel 4.5 times faster than in the air, so echolocation is the perfect resource that facilitates their survival. WHY DO...


                Jaundice is a yellow tint to a newborn's skin and the white part of the eyes. It is a sign that there's too much  bilirubin  in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia  . Jaundice usually appears in the first 5 days of life.    It usually gets better or goes away on its own within a week or two without causing problems. But jaundice should be taken seriously. In rare cases, if the bilirubin level stays high and isn't treated, it can cause brain damage called   kernicterus . This can lead to serious lifelong problems. What causes jaundice in newborns?               Jaundice occurs because your baby's body has more bilirubin than it can get rid of. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that's made when the body breaks down old red blood cells. It leaves the body through urine and stool. When you're pregnant, your ...


What Causes Acne?     To understand acne or pimples, you need to know how your skin works.The hair follicles, or pores, in your skin contain sebaceous glands (also called oil glands). These glands make sebum, which is an oil that lubricates your hair and skin. Most of the time, the sebaceous glands make the right amount of sebum. As the body begins to mature and develop, though, sex hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum.      Pores become clogged if there is too much sebum and too many dead skin cells. Bacteria (especially one called Propionibacterium acnes) can then get trapped inside the pores and multiply. This causes swelling and redness — the start of pimple.      If a pore gets clogged up and closes but bulges out from the skin, you're left with a whitehead. If a pore gets clogged up but stays open, the top surface can darken and you're left with a blackhead. Can I Prevent Acne?       To hel...

The Science of RAINBOWS

               T he speed of light, which is equal to 3 x 10 8  meters per second in air or space, but when light passes through other materials like water or glass (known as  mediums ), the speed can change and slow down.  L ight we experience from the Sun is something known as  white light . White light is composed of all different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) that the human eye can see. This kind of light is known as  visible lights.  These visible colors all have unique characteristics known as  wavelengths . Going from red through violet the wavelength goes from greatest to smallest. It’s this wavelength that will determine how the different colors react when they go through a medium (for example a raindrop).         A rainbow is created when white light is bent ( refracted ) while entering a droplet of water,  split  into separate col...

During summer the Eiffel Tower is taller.How?

Thermal Expansion. What is thermal expansion?       Imagine you have a rod. This rod can be made of metal, plastic or wood. The length of your rod changes proportional to the environmental temperature. We know that fluids expand in their volume when they are heated.Solid materials can expand as well.        So the height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters on average-changes depending on the season. When the hot summer sun beats down on it, thermal expansion causes the metal to grow. The tower can swell in height by as much as 15 centimeters (6 inches). But once the hot sun goes down, the expansion decreases.Not only towers but bridges can expand in their length too. Here is the use of expansion joints essentials. These little gaps allows brides to expand in summer without destroying the material due to the acting force. Without these expansion joints bridges might get seriously damaged over time.     

Why heavier objects do NOT fall faster than lighter objects?

    How fast something falls due to gravity is determined by a number known as the "acceleration of gravity", which is 9.81 m/s^2 at the surface of our Earth. Basically this means that in one second, any object's downward velocity will increase by 9.81 m/s because of gravity. This is just the way gravity works - it accelerates everything at exactly the same rate. What you may be getting confused by is the fact that the force of gravity is stronger on heavier objects than lighter ones. Another way of thinking of this is to say that gravity has to pull harder on a heavy object than a light one in order to speed them both up by the same amount. However, in the real world, we have things like air resistance, which is why sometimes heavy things do fall faster. For example, if you drop a feather and you drop a rock, the rock will land first since the feather is slowed down more by the air. If you did the same thing somewhere where there is no air, the feather and the roc...


Scientific facts about men and women 1.A recent study in the suggests that men have an enhanced ability to judge someone’s size by the sound of their voice. They have been shown to correctly guess a person’s general appearance, using their voice, at about 1.5 times the rate that women are able to. 2.Men and women literally see things in different ways. Men have thicker retinas and larger M cells than women. The M cells are responsible for tracking the movement of objects. Women have more P cells, which are responsible for identifying objects, as well as analyzing textures and colors. 3.Women and Men process information differently. Men use mostly the left hemisphere of the brain, while women tend to employ both hemispheres.girls will commonly use more words than their male counterparts if they are asked to describe a story, person, object, feeling, or place. 4.He’s Not Just Ignoring You During male fetal development, testosterone impacts the formation of the ...


Colostrum is liquid gold for newborn calves    Colostrum, the cow’s first milk, is not only important for the health of the neonate (newborn calf), but has a profound effect on the future performance of the calf all the way through the feeding period. About 5-6 weeks before  calving , immunoglobulins from the cow’s serum are concentrated into the colostrum. These immunoglobulins are such large molecules that they can’t pass through the placenta directly to the fetus. So, in order to convey some level of passive immunity to the neonate,  colostrum  must consumed. When to give colostrum   The rule of thumb is 6 hours or less. Generally a calf should receive 5 to 6 % of its body weight as colostrum within the first six hours of life, and another 5 to 6 % of its body weight when the calf is 12 hours old.   Studies have shown, that at six hours after birth, calves absorbed 66 % of the immunoglobulins in colostrum, but at 36 hours afte...


Elephant facts 1)  There are  three  different species of elephant – the  African Savannah elephant , the  African Forest elephant  and the  Asian elephant . Elephants are known for their  large ears ,  tusks made of ivory  and their  trunks  – which are actually a fusion of their nose and upper lip. 2)  Elephants are the world’s  largest land animal ! Male African elephants can reach  3m tall  and  weigh between 4,000 -7,500kg . Asian elephants are slightly smaller, reaching  2.7m  tall and weighing  3,000 –  6,000kg . They are known for their large  ears ,  tusks  made of  ivory  and their  trunks  – which are actually a fusion of their  nose  and  upper lip . 3)  There’s an easy way to tell the African elephants apart from their Asian cousins – their ears! African elephants have large ears  shaped like ...


IS THE BABY COMING ? 6 SIGNS OF LABOR          The experience of giving birth can differ from one woman to another, and even for the same woman from one pregnancy to the next. Although there's no way to know how a woman's labor will progress or how long it will last, it's not unusual to be fearful of the process and worried about the pain associated with it .                     1. The baby drops Anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks before labor begins in first-time pregnancies, a woman may look and feel as though the baby has dropped into a lower position in her pelvis. Known as "lightening," this means the baby is getting into a head-down position in preparation for birth. (In women who have previously given birth, lightening may not occur until right before labor begins.) When the baby settles into a lower position, this eases pressure on a woman's diaphragm making it easier for her to b...

Insulin Injection

Insulin Injection Sites: Where and How to Inject Overview   Insulin is a hormone that helps cells use glucose (sugar) for energy. It works as a “key,” allowing the sugar to go from the blood and into the cell. In type 1 diapetes, the body doesn’t make insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the body doesn’t use insulin correctly, which can lead to the pancreas not being able to produce enough — or any, depending on the progression of the disease —insulin to meet your body’s needs. Insulin injection methods There are different ways to take insulin, including syringes,  insulin pens ,  insulin pumps , and  jet injectors . How to inject insulin

Cute Giant Panda Facts

Giant pandas are some of the most beloved animals to walk this earth. They are often seen in movies, advertisements, and coloring books. Adults and children alike own giant panda stuffed toys and rush to the panda exhibit whenever they visit a zoo. However, despite their popularity, giant pandas are incredibly endangered. Below are a number of cute facts about these amazing animals! 1.  The lifespan of pandas in the wild is approximately 20 years. However, in captivity, they can live to be 25-30 years old. 2.  The giant panda has been on the endangered species list since 1990. The most significant threat to them are poaching and habitat destruction. 3.  Pandas have always been a symbol of peace in China. For example, centuries ago, warring tribes would raise a flag with a panda on it to stop a battle or call a truce. 4.  With just over 1,000 left in the world, giant pandas are on the brink of extinction. Scientists are hoping to increase the wild panda pop...

3 Creatures with more than one Heart?

The presence of one heart is ingrained into our idea of biology thanks to our own bodies as well as the majority of those we see around us.  But did you know there are a handful of animals with multiple hearts? 1 . Octopus/Squid                           These similar creatures are both cephalopods and have three hearts in total, one systematic to go along with two “gill hearts” that force blood to the gills. 2. Earthworms         While it is not technically a “heart,” the aortic arch of the earthworm performs a similar function and is commonly referred to as one for the sake of simplicity. An earthworm has five arches/hearts that are segmented and pump blood throughout its body.  3. Hagfish        Who knew such a nasty creature could have so many hearts? The hagfish has four of them, one main three-chambered systematic heart and three access...

Facts about Staphylococcus

1.Morphology of Staphylococcus                            Gram positive,spherical,non motile,not acid fast,non spore forming bacteria                                                  2.Staphylococcus aureas is facultative anaerobic.It can be growes at 37 Deg celcius                                     3.S.aureas produces yellow color colonies with yellow zone in MANNITOL SALT AGAR (selective media) by ferment the mannitol.It can be indicated by red color of phenol in agar changes into yello Baird parker agar,PURPLE AGAR(differential diagnosis) also be used.                                   4....