The experience of giving birth can differ from one woman to another, and even for the same woman from one pregnancy to the next. Although there's no way to know how a woman's labor will progress or how long it will last, it's not unusual to be fearful of the process and worried about the pain associated with it
Anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks before labor begins in first-time pregnancies, a woman may look and feel as though the baby has dropped into a lower position in her pelvis. Known as "lightening," this means the baby is getting into a head-down position in preparation for birth. (In women who have previously given birth, lightening may not occur until right before labor begins.)
When the baby settles into a lower position, this eases pressure on a woman's diaphragm making it easier for her to breathe. But it also puts more pressure on her pelvis and bladder, resulting in frequent bathroom visits. In addition, a woman's belly may appear lower and more protruding, and she may walk with a waddle. 
A woman's uterus contracts her entire pregnancy."It's a muscle, and it has to practice for this Olympic event that is going to happen," how the uterus prepares itself for labor. Near the end of pregnancy, uterine contractions start to move the baby down into a lower position in the birth canal, and ultimately having contractions will help to push the baby out into the world. True labor involves regular, rhythmic, intense contractions that become closer than five minutes apart for more than an hour or two.The abdomen gets hard, hard, hard like a basketball and then it relaxes. "Real contractions feel like that." 
The fetus has been growing and developing in a woman's uterus surrounded by amniotic fluid. When this protective sac of fluid ruptures, some women experience a gush of liquid while for others it's a slow trickle.
During labor, a woman might feel increasing pressure or cramping in her pelvic and rectal areas. She may also feel a dull ache in her lower back. 
As labor begins, or several days before it does, a woman may notice an increase in vaginal discharge that's pink, brown or slightly bloody. Called a "bloody show," this discharge is caused by the release of a mucous plug that blocks the cervix (the opening to the uterus) during pregnancy. The mucous plug loosens up as the cervix begins to dilate, or open up, during the first stage of labor.
Some women have frequent loose stools at the beginning of labor or they may start vomiting for reasons that aren't clear. It's also not known which came first, for example, whether the diarrhea occurred and then labor began, or if labor started and this caused diarrhea.  


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