Scientific facts about men and women
Men and women facts

1.A recent study in the suggests that men have an enhanced ability to judge someone’s size by the sound of their voice. They have been shown to correctly guess a person’s general appearance, using their voice, at about 1.5 times the rate that women are able to.
2.Men and women literally see things in different ways. Men have thicker retinas and larger M cells than women. The M cells are responsible for tracking the movement of objects. Women have more P cells, which are responsible for identifying objects, as well as analyzing textures and colors.
3.Women and Men process information differently. Men use mostly the left hemisphere of the brain, while women tend to employ both hemispheres.girls will commonly use more words than their male counterparts if they are asked to describe a story, person, object, feeling, or place.

4.He’s Not Just Ignoring You

During male fetal development, testosterone impacts the formation of the auditory system, and causes the brain to block out unwanted noise and repeated sounds. When a person repeats themselves several times, the male brain registers it as an “unwanted repetitious acoustic stimuli,” and they genuinely don’t hear it. Women on the other hand don’t have that skill.

5.1000 Gene Difference

Women have a harder time metabolizing alcohol because they have less of a liver enzyme that breaks it down. There is a difference of 1000 genes in male and female livers. These extra genes help men process alcohol faster, which means that they are less likely to feel the effects of drinking than women.
6.Men use 7x more gray matter for activity than women. The gray matter areas of the brain are the information and action-processing areas, which can create a kind of tunnel vision in men when they are doing something.
7.While Men have physically larger brains than women, size does not directly correlate with intelligence. What’s learned by experience or study helps forge neuronal connections,  which in turn determines intelligence.
Men and women facts
8.Women have an average life expectancy that is 5.3 years longer than men, largely due to better immunity, reduced risk for blood disease, and lower risk taking.
9.Men literally have bigger hearts than women. A female heart is about 2/3 the size of a man’s, and beats fewer times per minute. 
10.Girls have 11% more neurons than boys in the brain centers that control language and hearing. Not only do women hear better than men, they can also better distinguish between a broader range of emotional tones like crying.


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