During summer the Eiffel Tower is taller.How?

Thermal Expansion.
What is thermal expansion?
      Imagine you have a rod. This rod can be made of metal, plastic or wood. The length of your rod changes proportional to the environmental temperature. We know that fluids expand in their volume when they are heated.Solid materials can expand as well.
       So the height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters on average-changes depending on the season. When the hot summer sun beats down on it, thermal expansion causes the metal to grow. The tower can swell in height by as much as 15 centimeters (6 inches). But once the hot sun goes down, the expansion decreases.Not only towers but bridges can expand in their length too. Here is the use of expansion joints essentials. These little gaps allows brides to expand in summer without destroying the material due to the acting force. Without these expansion joints bridges might get seriously damaged over time.



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