Facts about Staphylococcus

1.Morphology of Staphylococcus
                     Gram positive,spherical,non motile,not acid fast,non spore forming bacteria                                                 

2.Staphylococcus aureas is facultative anaerobic.It can be growes at 37 Deg celcius                                    

3.S.aureas produces yellow color colonies with yellow zone in MANNITOL SALT AGAR(selective media) by ferment the mannitol.It can be indicated by red color of phenol in agar changes into yello Baird parker agar,PURPLE AGAR(differential diagnosis) also be used.                                  

4..Haemolytic on blood agar =Double haemoysis  due to alpha and beta toxins.                                     Alpha toxin produces narrow zone of complete haemolysis  and beta  toxin produces wide zone of incomplete haemolysis                                                                                                                      
5.Incomplete haemolysis will be completed at 4 Deg  celcius.This is known as hot cold lysis                   phenomenon                                                                                                                                            
6.Alpha toxin or Alpha haemolysin causes Gangrenous mastitis. other toxins are Entero toxins(food         poisoning) ,TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME TOXIN-1,EXFOLIATIVE TOXINS A and B  &Staph       Salded Skin Syndrome toxin(epidermolytic toxin a and b of S.aureus)                                                                                                                    

  1. Gangrenous mastitis(blue bag condition),udder impetigo                                                            
  2. GREESY PIG DISEASE(exudative epidermatitis) is due S.hyicus                                             
  3. Otitis  externa in dog                                                                                                                    
  4. BUMBLE FOOT IN POULTRY is due to S.aureas
  5. BOTYROMYCOSIS(Chronic granulomatus condition) in HORSE                                       
  • Isolation and Identification of bacteria    
  • Identification of toxins
  • PHAGE TYPING                   
  • S,aureas is resistance to Penicillin.Because They expressed a β-lactamase that hydrolysed the critical β-lactam bond and destroyed the drug's antibacterial activity. so VANCOMYSIN IS recommended
  • Synthetic penicillins such as METHICIILLIN  and OXACILLIN.        


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