
Oxygen can Killing us slowly!!!

 Hey my friend , be relax ,close your eyes for a moment and FOCUS ON your BREATHING. Breathe deeply. Then release the air from your lung .Do it many times .Of course It feels great .so oxygen brings life .97 % of the oxygen do this miracle for us  and used to produce energy. .BUT remaining 3 % of the ( hungry) Oxygen having Dark side and produce free radicals.           These free radicals can eat our body cells day by day....showing symptoms when we get old. LIVING TOO SHORT;DYING TOO LONG Scientific research shows that these free radical damage is the underlying causes of almost every chronic degenerative diseases known as diabetes ,cancer, macular degeneration and arthritis. If it is in your eyes ,you could develop cataracts or if it is in your blood vessels, you could have a heart attack or If it is in your joints ,it could develop arthritis.             Causes of free radical damage is           NOT TAKING ENOUGH ANTIOXIDANTs          excessive stress ,fast foods ,smoking cigeret

Trick for seeing without Glasses

       Lost your contact lenses? Crushed your glasses? Well you need stare at blurry public transport signs no longer, as simple physics can be exploited to give your vision a small boost using just your hand.       Make a tiny hole with your finger (curling up index finger works best) and look through it.You can try it now!! How it works?    Your eyes' lenses focus spread out light to create a crisp image on your retina (unless they're damaged, causing you to need glasses), with eye muscles squeezing them so we can focus at different distances.    Unlike a lens, a pinhole or other small opening can focus light coming from any distance. Because it's such a small opening, it only allows light to come through in one place, and thus in only one direction from any particular source, so there's no blur, and everything is in focus.    Small holes create crisp images by blocking rather than focusing light though, so the images are much darker.

How do Fireflies Glow?

      Fireflies  or  lightning bugs  make light within their bodies. This process is called  bioluminescence  and is shared by many other organisms, mostly sea-living or marine organisms.       To do this, the fireflies contain specialized  cells  in their abdomen that make  light .  In this cell   When oxygen combines with calcium, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the chemical luciferin in the presence of luciferase, a bioluminescent enzyme, light is produced.           As air rushes into a firefly’s abdomen, it reacts with the luciferin, and a chemical reaction gives off the firefly’s familiar glow. This light is sometimes called “cold light” because it generates so little heat.       Some experts think the firefly’s flashy style may warn predators of the insect’s bitter taste. Male fireflies also light up to signal their desire for mates – and willing females attract the males with flashes of their own. But not all the flashing of fireflies is motivated by romance. So the

Beware of chemicals present in your Toothpaste

                                 We all know that brushing twice a day is a healthy exercise, but do you know of the harmful  chemicals  in  toothpaste (especially colgate total)  that can do more harm than good? This is because your mouth easily absorbs  chemicals and  paraben found in toothpaste into your bloodstream.  CHECK FOR  TRICLOSAN, IT DISRUPTS HORMONES:             Triclosan, a key ingredient that is advertised as being a potent anti-bacterial agent, is known to disrupt follicle-stimulating hormones(also Estrogen)  and even testosterone secretion.  “Triclosan is commonly used in toothpaste as an anti-bacterial agent, but it mimics the action of estrogen. Triclosan is easily absorbed in the gingiva ( gums ) with repeated exposure and children often swallow it as well, because of the flavour. It is a disrupting chemical hormone that is blamed in various medical literature for causing early puberty,”.          Not just Triclosan, but artificial colours

What makes you Faint?

        Fainting or Syncope (medical term) is a temporary loss of consciousness that happens when there isn't enough blood going to the brain because of a drop in blood pressure. Blood pressure can drop from  dehydration , a quick change in position, standing or sitting still for a long period, or a sudden fear of something (such as the sight of blood)  . First Aid For Fainting: If you feel faint: Lie down or sit down. If you sit down, place your head between your knees. If the individual has Fainted: Lay the individual down, flat on their back.It eases off the blood flow to the brain to meet out the oxygen requirement. Check airways for signs of breathing. If they are not breathing or moving, start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) If there is any vomiting or bleeding from the mouth, turn the person onto their side, in order to prevent them from choking Slightly elevate their feet Loosen their clothes DO NOT move the person, if they have sustained any

TOP 6 Animals Hunted to Extinction by YOU

1.Great White Sharks Shark fin (the main ingredient in shark fin soup) is another prized delicacy which has unfortunately led to a serious decline in the number of great whites. Great white sharks are the largest predatory fish on Earth but these giant sea creatures are victims of "finning" by fisherman, essentially, stripping the fins from the shark then tossing them back in the water to die or be eaten alive.  2. Elephant Bird History has not been kind to the elephant bird of Madagascar. Standing nearly 10 feet tall and weighing up to 1,000 pounds — or so researchers believed — this flightless cousin of the ostrich went extinct in the 17th century, thanks in part to humans stealing their massive eggs. 3.Woolly Mammoths The last of the Great Woolly Mammoth populations vanished near the end of the last Ice Age over 4,000 years ago. These incredible creatures carried tusks that could measure up to 15 feet long. And imagine- they are considered one of the

PUBG can Change your BRAIN

       Do you play video games? If so, you aren't alone. Video games are becoming more common and are increasingly enjoyed by adults.   Many committed gamers play on desktop computers or consoles, but a new breed of casual gamers has emerged, who play on smartphones and tablets at spare moments throughout the day, like their morning commute. So, we know that vid eo games are an increasingly common form of entertainment, but do they have any effect on our brains and behavior? Video games can change your brain:       The new research focuses on brain strengthening assumptions that have been attributed to video games, especially in relation to attention and visuospatial skills. However, the findings also look at how the reward center of the brain is also altered in terms of feeding addiction. The   primary findings   from the review are:    Playing video games affects a person's attention. Primarily, gamers show improvements in areas like sustained attention or se

The science behind RED SUN

Why Does the Sky Turn Red at Sunrise and Sunset?     An orange or red Sun in the early morning or late evening is a sight to behold. The sky takes on these vivid hues due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. The sunlight that we see is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by the Sun. Known as the  visible light , it looks white but is composed of colors of different wavelengths, with violet having the shortest wavelength and red having the longest. The Earth’s atmosphere is primarily made up of gas molecules, with oxygen comprising about 21% and nitrogen about 78%. In addition, water molecules in the form of droplets, ice crystals, and vapor, and particles such as dust, pollutants, and ash can be found in the atmosphere, which is denser closer to the Earth and thins out as the altitude increases.      When sunlight strikes gas molecules, such as nitrogen and oxygen, light of longer wavelengths, like red, yellow, and orange, easily passes through, while l

The Nicotine Effect

The 'nicotine effect':        Nicotine acts as both a stimulant and a sedative.   When a body is exposed to nicotine, the individual experiences a "kick." This is partly caused by nicotine stimulating the adrenal glands, which results in the release of adrenaline.       This surge of adrenaline stimulates the body. There is an immediate release of glucose in blood(slight hyperglycemic ), as well as an increase in heart rate, breathing activity, and  blood pressure .Nicotine also makes the pancreas produce less  insulin (which regulates the blood glucose concentration), causing a slight increase in blood sugar or glucose.This is how nicotine curbs the Appetite.     Indirectly, nicotine causes the release of dopamine in the pleasure and motivation areas of the brain. A similar effect occurs when people take heroin or cocaine. The drug user experiences a pleasurable sensation.     Dopamine is a brain chemical that affects emotions, movements, and se


        Pesticides are substances or mixtures of substances that are mainly used in agriculture or in public health protection programs in order to protect plants from pests, weeds or diseases, and humans from vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and schistosomiasis . Furthermore,there are other less known applications of these chemical substances, such as in pet shampoos , building materials, and boat bottoms in order to eliminate or prevent the presence of unwanted species .     Many of the pesticides have been associated with health and environmental issues , and the agricultural use of certain pesticides has been abandoned . Exposure to pesticides can be through contact with the skin, ingestion, or inhalation. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING CHEMICALS (EDC).     Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) are compounds that alter the normal functioning of the endocrine system of both wildlife and humans. A huge number of chemicals have been identified as endocrine disru