What makes you Faint?

Image result for first aid for fainting

   Fainting or Syncope (medical term)is a temporary loss of consciousness that happens when there isn't enough blood going to the brain because of a drop in blood pressure. Blood pressure can drop from dehydration, a quick change in position, standing or sitting still for a long period, or a sudden fear of something (such as the sight of blood) .
First Aid For Fainting:
If you feel faint:
  • Lie down or sit down.
  • If you sit down, place your head between your knees.
If the individual has Fainted:
  • Lay the individual down, flat on their back.It eases off the blood flow to the brain to meet out the oxygen requirement.
  • Check airways for signs of breathing. If they are not breathing or moving, start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
  • If there is any vomiting or bleeding from the mouth, turn the person onto their side, in order to prevent them from choking
  • Slightly elevate their feet
  • Loosen their clothes
  • DO NOT move the person, if they have sustained any obvious neck or back injuries, while Fainting (or falling).
              Image result for first aid for fainting

How can Fainting be Prevented?

A few helpful tips to avoid/prevent Fainting include:
  • Take (work) breaks, when working for long periods of time
  • Drink enough fluids (especially during summer), to avoid dehydration
  • Check blood glucose levels regularly; particularly if you are prone to have abnormal blood glucose levels
  • Check blood pressures regularly, if you have a history of high or low blood pressures
  • Wear medication alert bracelets
Image result for cpr first aid


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