Beware of chemicals present in your Toothpaste

          Image result for how to brushing teeth
        We all know that brushing twice a day is a healthy exercise, but do you know of the harmful chemicals in toothpaste(especially colgate total) that can do more harm than good? This is because your mouth easily absorbs chemicals and paraben found in toothpaste into your bloodstream. 
           Triclosan, a key ingredient that is advertised as being a potent anti-bacterial agent, is known to disrupt follicle-stimulating hormones(also Estrogen) and even testosterone secretion. “Triclosan is commonly used in toothpaste as an anti-bacterial agent, but it mimics the action of estrogen. Triclosan is easily absorbed in the gingiva (gums) with repeated exposure and children often swallow it as well, because of the flavour. It is a disrupting chemical hormone that is blamed in various medical literature for causing early puberty,”.
        Not just Triclosan, but artificial colours and preservatives in toothpastes are also one to look out for. “Artificial colours, preservatives and parabens are all bad for us. Through toothpastes, these are absorbed into the skin. These chemicals can easily breach mucosa if you have mouth ulcers. In fact, sodium laurel sulfate, which causes the foaming of toothpaste, can breach and irritate your mouth.Even herbal toothpaste also haveharmful chemicals like triclosan,artificial sweetner,sodium lauryl sulphate
    Crest Pro-Health toothpastes are
 formulated to deliver the same plaque and 
gingivitis benefits and more without
 Triclosan. With regular brushing, Crest 
Pro-Health toothpastes protect ALL
the areas dentists check most. 


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