TOP 6 Animals Hunted to Extinction by YOU

1.Great White Sharks

Shark fin (the main ingredient in shark fin soup) is another prized delicacy which has unfortunately led to a serious decline in the number of great whites. Great white sharks are the largest predatory fish on Earth but these giant sea creatures are victims of "finning" by fisherman, essentially, stripping the fins from the shark then tossing them back in the water to die or be eaten alive. 
2.Elephant Bird
History has not been kind to the elephant bird of Madagascar. Standing nearly 10 feet tall and weighing up to 1,000 pounds — or so researchers believed — this flightless cousin of the ostrich went extinct in the 17th century, thanks in part to humans stealing their massive eggs.

3.Woolly Mammoths

The last of the Great Woolly Mammoth populations vanished near the end of the last Ice Age over 4,000 years ago. These incredible creatures carried tusks that could measure up to 15 feet long. And imagine- they are considered one of the smallest among their species. The mammoth lived on birch and was hunted for meat and fur. 

4.Thylacines (Tasmanian Tigers)

In 1936, the largest carnivorous marsupial of the time, the thylacine - became extinct. With the head of a dog, the stripes of a cat and the pouch of a kangaroo this unique creature, better known as the Tasmanian tiger. One particular wool and textile supply company called Van Diemen’s Land Company was in great part responsible for the eradication of the Tasmanian tiger.
5.Passenger Pigeons

The Passenger Pigeon was one of the most abundant birds in the world - but by the early 20th century, their species had been hunted to extinction. Due to their abundance, (they would migrate in flocks of billions through the sky!) their meat was used to feed slaves and the poor and they were slaughtered, quite barbarically on a prodigious scale.

 Living happily in isolation on the Isle of Mauritius, the dodo was an oblivious, flightless bird not well built for defending itself from predators. It also only laid one egg a year. This bird was clearly only suited for a quiet life. When mankind arrived at the island, they brought monkeys, rats and pigs with them, which proved too much for the dodos to handle. They were all killed and/or eaten to extinction by 1681.


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